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Professional Practice



This is my digital portfolio.

Because of a delay in printing, the printed portfolio won't be ready until after the deadline, however it will be complete for the degree show.




Instagram : @sarahscynerillustration


Promotional Material

Because of a delay in printing, the printed handouts, business cards and postcards won't be ready until after the deadline, however they will be complete for the degree show.

Business Cards

Hand out

It will be folded into a concertina handout





When approaching this module, I was still unsure on the route I wanted to go after university. From the offset I went to all the lectures with an open mind, hoping to find a sense of direction. I have learnt much about myself in this last year and my visual language but also where my passions lie in illustration. Though I really love creating I prefer to be an encourager of others creativity. I started a small craft meet up with friends at the start of the year and joined a drawing research group at a local nursery. Both things reminded me the importance of creating with others and started my passion for teaching others.

During a lecture with Gina, she encouraged us to create a vision board. It helped me to put down on paper my inspirations and aims so that I could visualise it better. That simple exercise was the beginning of me realising I wanted to be a teacher and that my passions lie in being playful in the way I illustrate and interact with the world. One reason of joining the nursery drawing research group was to discover whether I have a passion for teaching, especially with early years teaching. By the third morning I felt like I would thrive in an educational setting so now that is one of my vocational aims.

I have struggled with the creative freedom of third year, but it has meant that I have had to research more, like reading more magazines, news articles and books. From David McMillan’s editorial workshops to entering competitions, I have discovered more about how my work might fit in within the industry. I have always gravitated to simple designs, filled with bright colours and simple shapes, so to see my style fit in with various active briefs was a joy and very encouraging.

In hindsight I wish I would have applied to some of the residencies that were presented to us as I now have more of a vision in where I want to take illustration and what I am passionate about. I think that would have given me more experience in presenting and idea generation that I now know would be useful to me. I wish I had been more driven to find drawing research opportunities too as the nursery opportunity has really impacted my visual language and drawing practice.

Short Term Strategy

I am currently working part time at the Bristol Hippodrome as part of their front of house staff which I will continue to do. Alongside this in September I start a 2 day a week worship apprenticeship at my church. I plan to use the time during the day to contact magazines and commissioning editors for illustration jobs and to continue to create. I will be focusing on getting commissions linking to children’s illustrations to gain experience before applying for teacher training at the end of my year apprenticeship. I will make sure to keep creating and would like to find a way to use my illustration in my apprenticeship at church too.

Also, I plan to replace my current part time job with a job somehow linked with education, like a nursery or teaching assistant role. I know this will benefit my future endeavours.

Long Term Strategy

Long-term I plan to finish my teacher training and go into primary school teaching. I have been looking at PGCEs at UWE, Bath Spa or doing a Teach First Training Scheme. I truly believe that children need to be encouraged more creatively and I have a real passion to bring that change and encouragement. A dream of mine is also to see my illustrations as a mural in a city, so I will be looking for commissions to make that a reality.

I will be leaving this course, knowing I have the capability to be an illustrator and with enough contacts and drive to go for it. It has also reminded me to continue to be playful with my illustrations and art style and to embrace my visual language. I’m excited to see what my illustration journey might bring and how I might use that in teaching as well. Wish me luck!

(Word count 699)

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